Friday, 29 July 2016

Review :Training Children Summer Jodhpurs.

Name: Training Children Summer Jodhpurs
Colour: Purple, Brown, Beige
Brand: Fouganza 
Buy At: Decathlon
These jodhpurs are a very good for riding during summer. They are comfortable and really good for summer. During summer I love riding in these jodhpurs during summer because they keep you cool and you don't sweat almost at all. It has air holes every where you usually sweat like your inner ear or the bottom of your back. But the fabric is a very soft thin sports material so it will keep you cool during you ride. I'd recommend these jodhpurs for when you need a cheap pair of good jodhpurs for the summer.

Creating a bond with your horse.

This is how to create a bond with your horse or improve your relationship.
Creating a bond with your horse can either be really easy or really hard. Sometimes the bond naturally comes but sometime it takes time to create. 
If you don't naturally have a bond with your horse the most important thing you need to do is not give up because you probably already do have a bond with your horse it's just hard to find because your horse is stubborn so you think they don't care. You just need to keep trying and if you think when you ride them they don't respond it's because they probably don't trust you yet or you don't have confidence in them. The best way for them to trust them is to spend more time with them, sit in their field , learn what they like/dislike and doing a lot of ground work (try to get them to follow you ).
This is how I got Gala to trust me and how I created my bond with her. Remember all horses are different so for some it'll take longer but with Gala it took 2-3 months to get to the point we're at now and we're still improving . 

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Gaining confidence with horses

This is how I gained confidence with my horses and most horses.
When I started horse riding I would only ride so I didn't know much about the animal, I think that's the reason I had almost no confidence with horses or riding them. It's only when I got my first horse that I started to understand them and that really helped me. I'm not saying go out and get a horse, but if you ride at a place that just lets you ride and leave ask if you can help them get the horses ready or shower them. I think it's best if you to do that with the horse you usually ride because you would of already gotten to know their personality. So that helped me a lot but I was still a bit nervous when i was around or when I rode horses and the way I conquered that was by spending as much time as possible around horses, start riding different horses so you will get use to all types of bucks, trots, canters and jumps so you can almost get onto any horse and just have fun. Just block out the fear and do what you don't want to. (As long as it isn't dangerous)